Thursday, March 29, 2012

Build Your Muscle Fast & Easy With No-nonsense

build muscles

Let's face it. You're really tired.

* Tired of filling your body with mysterious supplements that do nothing except make you bloated and sick.

* Tired of busting your ass in the gym 6 days a week, only to find you're the same size you were last month.

* Tired of watching other guys work out half as much and get twice as big.
* Tired of doing the impossible to build muscles but nothing works.

A Beginner’s Guide to a Muscle Building Program

If you’ve only been training for a under a year, then you’re considered a beginner. For guidance as beginner, you should look toward the muscle-building workout that is illustrated below. The best part of being a newbie is that the most muscle gain will come during the first six to 12 months. This exciting time is when you will see the biggest change in your body and in your life. The only downside is that there isn’t a magic potion or a shortcut to muscle growth. Nevertheless, if you stick to the program, in three month, you’ll be heading in a positive, forward direction, rather than on a negative, backwards path.
Here are a few guidelines to take into consideration prior to beginning:

6 rules for a perfect skinny guy training

a skinny guy training

Like we've see in this article , to build muscle you must choose your body type (skinny guy or a fat guy)
In this article you'll discover 6 rules to build muscle if you're a skinny guy :

Six Rules for a Perfect Training Program if You’re a Skinny Guy 
Remember, never fix something that isn’t broken, so if you’re a beginner bodybuilder and you like to select body parts to train based on how sore they are and it works, stick with what you’re doing. On the contrary, if you’re skinny and looking for a plan that works for you, then this is an ideal place for you to be. Here, you can find a wonderful resource for constructing your weekly training routine and a body part combination program that meets your needs. This information is based on my own experience and the time I spent training skinny guys. If you’re more into academia and research than experience-based information, then you’re still in the right place, because much of this information is based upon detailed studies.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Video : Ab Exercise For Lower Abs Building

Hello Friends , I want to share with you an exercise for abs building 
this video is taken from Vince DelMonte's youtube Channel
in this video you'll discover an exercise to build abs
Watch Now :

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

10 Ways To Build Muscle Fast

Ways To Build Muscle Fast

The biggest muscle building error you can make is doing routines from muscle magazines. Most of those guys don't train naturally, are genetically gifted and never started training that way. Doing their routines won't make you build muscle fast.
The standard person needs a different approach. One that builds muscle fast and prevents physical & mental overtraining from doing too much, too soon. Here's how to build muscle: the perfect guide to building muscle.

20 Must Known Facts To Muscle Building

Muscle Building Workouts

As you continuously approach your fitness goals, you eventually hit a plateau, which occurs when you've nearly reached your ideal fitness level.  At this point, you're basically stuck at one level, but you can take it to the next level easier than you make think.  Everyone who does resistance training―from newbies to professional bodybuilders―will hit this point, but what's important is knowing how to increase your productivity and enhance your workout, and with these 21 facts, you can definitely reach your fitness goals faster.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How To Get Ripped Fast And Quickly

Get Ripped Fast

Those with perfect bodies have the following: muscles, a symmetrical and balanced shape, and abs that are well defined. Basically, the idea is to be ripped to the bone and maybe even a little shredded. For those who are unsure of where to begin, I’ll assist you by discussing the points you should concentrate on, such as proper nutrition, aerobic exercises and weight training. With these tips, your body can be ready to hit the beach by next summer.